
Encyclia Alata

Encyclia Alata


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The Florida butterfly orchid (Encyclia tampensis) is one of the showiest native orchids. Its flowers are small and colored yellow, copper, green, orange, or bronze. A cluster of these blooms looks like a flutter of tiny, colorful butterflies. There is also an ‘alba’ form with white and green flowers. Throughout the state they bloom between May and July.

The Florida butterfly orchid grows as an epiphyte in almost every county in the state. Notably, the orchids can withstand a freeze, making them popular on the northern edge of their range. But while this is one of Florida’s most common epiphytic orchids.

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Encyclia Orchid Care

The care of Encyclia Orchids can vary considerably depending on which species you select. They can be rather particular about the light and water they receive but are such beautiful plants that they are worth the effort.


Place Encyclia Orchids in bright, indirect, filtered light (even brighter than is needed for Cattleya). They will grow under florescent bulbs, but natural light is best.

An east-facing window provides ideal morning sunlight and protects the plant from the hot afternoon sun, which could scorch the leaves. Shade hot afternoon sun from the south with a sheer curtain.

Encyclia, like Epidendrum, can also grow especially well beneath a house screening such as a pool or patio.


Pot in an exceptionally well-drained potting mix. Coarse fir bark, lava rock, river rocks, hardwood charcoal, bits of broken pottery and chunks of tree fern are all good options that will encourage the roots to be wet and then dry quickly.


To welcome moderate humid air, place the pot atop damp pebbles and mist occasionally with a spray bottle.

Encyclia Orchids are native to damp and warm forests, woodlands and swamps where they can be found growing on tree trunks and branches by absorbing moisture and nutrients from rain, air and water.

South American species require very little water because they retrieve moisture from high humidity. Brazilian species don’t need to be watered often either, only if the pseudobulbs shrivel.

For species from Florida and the Caribbean, water every five to seven days in the warm months with tepid water or rainwater. Allow roots to dry between waterings. Water at the most every two weeks when the orchid goes dormant in winter. Begin watering more regularly as new growth appears.

Central American species need a little less water than these species but more than their relatives from South America and Brazil.

Temperature and Humidity

Most orchids are hardy in USDA Zones 9 through 11 where conditions are at least semi-tropical.

Maintain a warm, but not hot, daytime temperature of about 85 degrees Fahrenheit. At night, open the window nearby and move the orchid to a place that is closer to 70 degrees. Such cooler temperatures will encourage the orchid to bloom.


Fertilizer should be the same as the potting medium. Use 20-20-20 with tree fern or charcoal. Use 30-10-10 with fir bark. Feed the plant non-urea based fertilizer at half strength weekly, when the soil is moist in the warm months. Fertilize once a month or less in winter.

Propagating Encyclia Orchids

Divide into parts of four pseudobulbs or stems. Remove dead roots and set divisions aside. A week later, new root growth will likely emerge. Repot the new plants and place in slightly lower light for a few weeks.

Are Encyclia Orchids Toxic?

According to the ASPCA, the Florida Butterfly Orchid (E. tampensis) is non-toxic to cats, dogs and horses.

Encyclia Orchid Varieties

Just a few of the many varieties of this orchid type include:

  • Encyclia cordigeravar. rosea ‘Dragon’s Mouth’creates a rosy fuschia bloom from a maroon base.
  • E. tampense ‘Florida Butterfly Orchid’: delicately accented by pink and white.
  • E. randii ‘La Selva’: has petals that are brown, white and pink emerging from a green center.
  • E. alata ‘Sunset Valley Orchids’: comes in a rustic brown and green topped with cool white dotted by subtle stripes.

Potting and Repotting

Neither Epidendrum nor Encyclia Orchids like being disturbed, so avoid repotting unless necessary. If needed, repot after flowering has stopped. Soak in warm water for 10 minutes to reduce the risk of root damage.

Pot in a clay container, or if the humidity is high the orchid may also thrive in a wooden basket to allow for airflow over the roots and minimize overwatering issues. Plastic is okay too, though water evaporates slower in clay.

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Additional information

Weight 6 lbs
Dimensions 26 × 8 × 8 in
Light Condition




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