Golden Thryallis Galphimia glauca 9″ pot

Golden Thryallis Galphimia glauca 9″ pot


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Late summer bright, golden yellow flowers bloom almost non stop in 4 to 6 inch clusters on stem tips. Being a smaller sized shrub it is great for shearing into a lower style hedge or border and forms a low maintenance dense barrier. Easy to grow, drought resistant, and blooming almost all year will make this a great addition to the southern tropical garden.

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Quantity Price % Discount
2 $31.49 10%
3 $27.99 20%
4+ $26.24 25%


Planting and Care

Thryallis looks its best planted in full sun. It will tolerate some shade but may flower less and become leggy. Do not plant Thryallis in a high-traffic area; its branches can be brittle and break easily. Well-drained soil of any texture will support thryallis, but it does not tolerate salt water or spray.


Thryallis’ airy, mounding form needs no pruning. However, if you prefer a more regular shape, prune in the spring. This will reduce the number of flower clusters that year, but not in the long-term.

Propagate this shrub by seed and summer cuttings or purchase a young plant from a nursery. Once established, thryallis is moderately drought tolerant. It also suffers from very few pests and diseases, making this plant a low-maintenance addition to your garden. Finally, for gardeners hoping to deer-proof their landscape, thryallis is not a preferred food of these voracious visitors.

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Additional information

Weight 15 lbs
Dimensions 30 × 9 × 9 in
Light Condition



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