Maranta Red, Maranta leuconeura 6″ pot

Maranta Red, Maranta leuconeura 6″ pot


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Family: Marantaceae
Common Name: Red Maranta, Prayer Plant
Botanical Name: Maranta leuconeura

This Prayer Plant does not have a wrong side, so break out that camera and click away from any angle. Red Maranta provides color and texture for lower-lit areas in your home and is an excellent air purifier. This houseplant also has a unique feature — its leaves move in response to the light! So, don’t be surprised if you find the leaves pointing towards the sunlight when you get home. Red Marantas are also known as Prayer Plant as they are closely related to Calathea. The leaves of Red Maranta close up at night, which resemble hands in prayers. The leaf motion is known as nyctinasty. The foliage of the plants has a beautiful oval shape. The leaves are beautiful olive-green color with a striking pop of red vines. Red Maranta’s can be low maintenance when it comes to taking care of them. However, they still need all the primary caretaking to thrive and grow their luscious foliage. Keeping your houseplants is not challenging if you equip yourself with the proper knowledge. Hopefully, these tips will help you to enhance your understanding.


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3 $23.99 20%
4+ $22.49 25%




Red Marantas can easily survive with low sunlight but also thrive in a bright place with indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can eventually make Red Maranta’s foliage dry and crispy, and your plant will soon die. It is ideal for keeping your Red Maranta plant in a room that faces south or west. This allows your plant to absorb sunlight but not directly. Keep in mind that if your maranta plant looks faded or pale, it indicates that it absorbed too much sunlight. On the other hand, if the plant is not lying flat during the day, it requires more sunlight.


Red Maranta’s thrive when the soil is moist but avoid soggy soil. Red maranta’s roots are prone to rot; therefore, soggy soil will be a death sentence for your plant. Your pot must have a good drainage system so extra water can flow out of the plot. This minimizes the chances of root rot. Use filtered water whenever possible as prayer plants are sensitive to the salts and chemicals found in some water systems or wells.


The optimal temperature for Red Maranta is 65-85℉. Don’t place them near drafty windows or doors in the colder months. Exposure to freezing temperatures, even for a few minutes can damage the leaves. Keep your prayer plants warm all year long and provide them with good air circulation to help avoid spider mites and other indoor plant pests.


High humidity is ideal for Red Maranta. The leaves may begin to curl or the edges will turn brown and dry out if they do not receive enough humidity for extended periods of time. Try to keep the humidity above 50% around your prayer plants to keep the leaf edges from turning brown. Using a humidifier or a pebble tray with water can help give them the extra dampness they crave.


Fertilizing your marantas can help promote new growth and even blooms depending on the variety. Apply complete liquid fertilizer diluted to 1/4 the recommended every three weeks during the growing season. When re-potting, you can also amend the soil with worm castings or any organic slow release compost.

Growth Rate 

Red marantas are slow to moderate growing indoor plants. They can grow up to 1’ in height with a spread of 2-3’.

Pet Friend or Foe 

Red Maranta is non-toxic to pets. Friend!

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Additional information

Weight 6 lbs
Dimensions 20 × 6 × 6 in


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