Neomarica caerulea (Walking Iris – Apostle Plant)

Neomarica caerulea (Walking Iris – Apostle Plant)


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Walking iris plants (Neomarica spp.), also known as twelve apostles, are herbaceous perennials that grow to a height of 1 1/2 to 3 feet. They bloom off and on in spring, summer and fall, producing small, iris-type flowers. Giant walking iris (Neomarica caerulea) blooms in blue and common walking iris (Neomarica gracilis) blooms in white. Yellow walking iris (Neomarica longifolia) and North’s false flag (Neomarica northiana) bloom in yellow. They grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11. Their requirements are fairly easy to satisfy, as long as you choose the right place for them.

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Walking Iris Plant (Neomarica) Culture

Walking iris plants (Neomarica spp.), also known as twelve apostles, are herbaceous perennials that grow to a height of 1 1/2 to 3 feet. They bloom off and on in spring, summer and fall, producing small, iris-type flowers. Giant walking iris (Neomarica caerulea) blooms in blue and common walking iris (Neomarica gracilis) blooms in white. Yellow walking iris (Neomarica longifolia) and North’s false flag (Neomarica northiana) bloom in yellow. They grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11. Their requirements are fairly easy to satisfy, as long as you choose the right place for them.


Walking irises grow best in partially shady sites where they get four to six hours of direct morning sun. Most will also thrive with two to four hours of morning sun, or in dappled or bright shade. The “Regina” cultivar (Neomarica caerulea “Regina”) can be grown in sunnier sites with six or more hours of direct sun. It is also a larger plant, growing 4 to 5 feet tall. Place container-grown walking irises in a bright area next to a south-, east- or west-facing window.

Soil Requirements

Walking iris plants will grow in loamy, sandy or clay soils but prefer an acidic soil. You can plant them where soil tends to stay moist. Plant the rhizomes 2 inches below the soil surface or, if they have leaves, at the same depth they were growing previously. Space walking iris plants 2 to 3 feet apart to give them room to spread. Container-grown plants will thrive in either peat- or soil-based potting mixes. The potting mix should contain sand, perlite and vermiculite for good drainage. Use a deep, 8-inch-diameter or larger container for each plant. Repot them every two to three years.

Water and Fertilizer Requirements

Water outdoor walking iris plants as often as necessary to keep the soil uniformly moist for the first three weeks after planting. After that, water once every one to two weeks if it doesn’t rain. They are not drought-tolerant plants. During hot weather, they usually need to be watered once per week. If the leaves droop or wilt, the plants need to be watered more often. They require more frequent watering in sandy soil and less frequent watering in clay soil. A balanced garden plant fertilizer should be applied in March, June and September, diluting 1 tablespoon in 1 gallon of water. Container-grown plants should be watered when the top of the potting soil begins to dry. They should be given a balanced water-soluble houseplant fertilizer diluted at a rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 gallon of water once each week. Read the label on the product you buy because instructions vary.

Rooting New Plants

As walking iris flowers fade, new walking iris plants form at the ends of the stems. When grown outdoors in a garden, the stems naturally bend to the soil as the new plants get heavier. The new plants form roots and grow in the soil next to the parent plant. Cut the stems after the new plants form a healthy root system. Keep the soil moist while the new plants become established. You can transplant them elsewhere or leave them where they take root. This method of spreading gave rise to the plant’s common name. New plants that form on container-grown walking irises can be set on potting mix in a small container placed next to the parent plant. Keep the soil moist for the new plants.

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Weight 15 lbs


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